Desert Racing and Expert Pit Services
Upcoming Races
2025 NORRA Mexican 1000; April 24 - May 2
The Magnificent 7 Pit Team
What sets MAG 7 apart from other Baja racing pit organizations? Earned family! Founded in 1967, we are a band of brothers and sisters, united by our love of offroad racing, Baja, and each other. Many of us are Veterans. All are volunteers. Together, we hope to provide race support and “people in the pits” for another 50 years!
MAG 7 is a 50-year-old tax-exempt 501c7 non-profit organization incorporated in California. The IRS reserves the 501c7 designation for “social clubs” that are organized for the members’ pleasure, recreation, or other nonprofit purposes. So, when you see a picture of a MAG 7 pit crew in the dust at night in the middle of nowhere and they are smiling, know that they are there for love, not money. All MAG 7 fees pay for equipment, supplies, and expenses — nothing more.
Working a pit in Baja is difficult, dirty, and requires long sleepless hours. All MAG 7 members understand and accept these conditions. Most say that their first trip to pit to Baja was a life-changing event. They had joined the family of racers and pit crews. The military Veterans in MAG 7 will tell you that it captures something that they miss from their service. They are, again, a part of something much bigger than themselves with a team of their brothers and sisters. MAG 7 can field up to 200 pit crew members in as many as 18 pits for a peninsula-length race.
“Racing is life; everything before and after is just waiting.”
Contact MAG 7

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